January Bonus Gift
Add a pop of playful elegance to your ensemble with these charming pink polymer clay earrings.

You will need:
  • Pink polymer clay 
  • Orange polymer clay
  • Earring hooks 
  • Jewelry pliers
  • Pink polymer clay 
  • Orange polymer
  • Earring hooks
  • Jewelry pliers

1Prepare your work surface: Ensure your work area is clean and free from any debris. You can cover the surface with parchment paper or a silicone mat to prevent sticking.

2Condition the clay: Take a small piece of pink polymer clay and knead it between your hands to warm it up and make it soft and pliable. Conditioning helps remove any air bubbles and makes the clay easier to work with.

3Roll out the clay: Using a rolling pin or clay roller, flatten the conditioned clay to your desired thickness. For earrings, a thickness of around 1/8 to 1/4 inch is often suitable. Make sure the clay is evenly rolled and smooth.

4Shape the earrings: Use a craft knife or clay cutting tool to cut out your desired earring shape from the rolled-out clay. It can be a simple geometric shape like a circle, square, or triangle, or you can get creative with more intricate designs.

5Create earring holes: Using a toothpick or a small straw, gently make a hole near the top of each earring shape. Make sure the hole is large enough to accommodate the earring hook later.

6Bake the clay: Preheat your oven or toaster oven according to the instructions on your polymer clay package. Place the clay earrings on a baking tray or ceramic tile and carefully transfer them to the oven. Bake them at the recommended temperature and duration specified on the clay package.

7Let the earrings cool: Once the baking time is complete, carefully remove the earrings from the oven and allow them to cool completely. Polymer clay becomes hard and durable after baking.

8Attach earring hooks: Once the earrings are cooled, take the earring hooks and use jewelry pliers to open the loop at the bottom. Insert the loop through the hole you made in the earring and securely close the loop with the pliers.